Friday, August 21, 2020

6 top retail jobs this holiday season and how to get them

6 top retail occupations this Christmas season and how to get them As the climate gets colder, that implies two things: the special seasons are coming, and there will be a great deal of occasional retail occupations opening up. Regardless of whether you’re searching for a side gig to bring in additional cash or a right-now occupation to get you through the special seasons, retail is the spot to be from October until January. The regular occasion work is an enduring exemplary open door for impermanent work, or an encounter building work that can be your entrance point to a more extended profession working in retail. Let’s take a gander at six of the top retail openings for work accessible this occasion season.Retail Sales AssociateThis is somewhat the exemplary regular activity. Physical stores are busier than any time in recent memory around the special seasons, and they need the sort of all-hands-on-deck staffs that will let them help those significant occasion deals while keeping the store running easily. Retail deals partners might be liable for loading racks, promoting, clerk ing, or working legitimately with clients. They may likewise be in the background, helping with approaching shipments and assisting with overseeing inventory.Holiday deals partners are typically expected to work long or late moves to suit for extended store hours, and possibly on siestas (particularly as an ever increasing number of stores creep their Black Friday specials into Thanksgiving Day). It’s a chaotic pace and you might be relied upon to be on your feet for its majority, so it’s essential to have the physical endurance to withstand the occasion surge. This activity may likewise included a specific measure of hard work and reaching.To begin as a retail deals partner, the greater retailers (think Target, WalMart, Kohl’s, Toys ‘R Us, and so on.) are quite often employing regular assistance, yet additionally make certain to look at littler stores, who may likewise require occasion associates.What you†™ll need: A strong retail continue, first off, and furthermore a solid arrangement of client support abilities. You’ll additionally need general retail aptitudes like great association, time the executives, the capacity to work autonomously without consistent oversight, and math abilities. You’ll additionally should be adaptable on your accessibility to work.Customer Service RepresentativeMore clients implies more client needs, and numerous amasses organizations beef up their client care divisions for these special seasons. In retail, that regularly implies keeping an eye on the telephones, web visit projects, or internet based life stages to ensure that client issues and protests are being dealt with rapidly and suitably. Client care agents may likewise be entrusted with offering data to clients, preparing returns or discounts, raising client issues fittingly, and investigating explicit issues. Since client support doesn’t essentially concur with a store†™s hours (and even less so if a store does a lively occasion business on the web), the movements might be for the time being, over ends of the week, or over occasions. This can be a great job for evening people, or somebody who has daytime obligations.What you’ll need: A strong client assistance continue. You’ll need client support aptitudes as a matter of first importance, just as tech abilities like dealing with multi-line telephones, recordkeeping programming, and web talk programs. You’ll likewise need solid critical thinking abilities, as quite a bit of your time might be spent assisting with diagnosing and resolve issues for customers.Holiday ActorMany shopping centers and stores (particularly retail establishments) have an occasion show with an intelligent segment (like Santa visits and photographs). In the event that you look like the chipper old head mythical being himself, all the better. Be that as it may, individuals of every kind are regularly exp ected to assist with these showcases, shepherding kids through, or going about as mythical people/reindeer/other occasion characters. You don’t need to have an Academy Award-winning resume, however on the off chance that you’re keen on working in a retail location without being a partner on the floor, this can be an alternative. You might be helping with photograph arrangement, or chipping away at swarm/line the executives. The name of this position may change by store. For instance, Macy’s calls their armada of occasional Santas and mythical beings â€Å"Santaland Sales Associates.†What you’ll need: Great relationship building abilities, particularly kid-accommodating ones. In the event that you’re keen on being Santa himself, there are really schools for that. Something else, aptitudes like association and time the executives additionally work well for you, as stores are similarly as keen on having these clients go through cash in the stor e as holding up in line to see the occasion display.Retail Housekeeping Associate/JanitorWith the entirety of the seasonal shopping tumult, stores can get jumbled and disrupted. Enter the housekeeping staff. Like pretty much every other retail office, stores frequently need additional assistance in the cleaning office too. These partners might be liable for cleaning the store previously or twilight, keeping up clean open regions during business hours, restocking things like boxes and packs in checkout zones, and for the most part tidying up messes that happen in all the occasion commotion. The housekeeping staff enables the tasks of a store to run more smoothly.What you’ll need: Good time the board and hierarchical aptitudes, and the capacity to work freely to do what should be done.Warehouse/Shipping AssociateWarehouse staff are a higher priority than any time in recent memory in the web based business blast, and are basic to increasingly conventional retail locations also. These partners keep items on racks and showing up at customers’ entryways, and during the special seasons, organizations enlist more staff to suit the higher volume of requests. Distribution center partners might be answerable for gathering shipments, getting ready shipments, handling active and approaching shipments, following stock, and utilizing substantial gear (Iike forklifts) to move merchandise and shipments around. Numerous organizations (like Amazon) enlist distribution center staff all around the nation to ensure their stockrooms and delivery offices are working at top limit during the bustling occasion season.Most organizations employ regular stockroom relates on low maintenance premise, however there may likewise be full-time open doors accessible through the occasion season.What you’ll need: Good physical endurance, as this is frequently a physical and requesting work. You may should be on your feet for shifts, and might be required to perform truly diffic ult work or other physical assignments. You will probably likewise should be adaptable on booking, the same number of distribution center employments have moves nonstop to oblige occasion volume.Loss Prevention/Asset Protection AssociateWith occasion swarms come occasion shoplifters, shockingly, and stores know about the need to welcome on more safety crew than expected to watch out for customers. Misfortune avoidance and resource insurance partners (maybe otherwise called security monitors) are liable for guaranteeing that workers and clients are taking, and for guaranteeing the general wellbeing and security of the store. These partners might be positioned at specific focuses in a shopping center or store, or might be entrusted with flowing and observing potential dangers. Security partners may likewise work in the background, checking cameras or other observation hardware to keep up request and wellbeing, and catch would-be lawbreakers in the demonstration. You may need to work w ith police or other law authorization as vital, and will probably get hands on preparing about store wellbeing and security strategies and best practices.What you’ll need: A secondary school degree or proportional, and earlier security experience is perfect. You may likewise need to pass a historical verification. What's more, this activity additionally requires resilient individuals and client support skills.Retail occupations can be quite assorted, particularly when it’s the special seasons and stores need more individuals to do pretty much all that you can consider. In the event that you feel comfortable out on the store floor in the occasion swarms, incredible yet in the event that your aptitudes lean more toward in the background client care, or keeping up the store’s calculated business as usual, there are a lot of chances there too. On the off chance that you’re keen on getting an occasion retail line of work, an opportunity to begin is presently. Employing is generally done in a quick and angry manner to ensure all the staffing is set up before Black Friday advertisements begin hitting the wireless transmissions, so you should have the option to bounce on open doors as you discover them.We’ve got all the devices you have to begin in retail, make your resume, and prep for the meeting. Good karma, and upbeat occasion work chasing!

Monday, July 13, 2020

Signs Your Spouse Could Be Cheating

Signs Your Spouse Could Be Cheating Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems Print Signs Your Spouse Could Be Cheating By Sheri Stritof Sheri Stritof has written about marriage and relationships for 20 years. Shes the co-author of The Everything Great Marriage Book. Learn about our editorial policy Sheri Stritof Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Carly Snyder, MD on November 13, 2019 facebook twitter linkedin Carly Snyder, MD is a reproductive and perinatal psychiatrist who combines traditional psychiatry with integrative medicine-based treatments.   Learn about our Medical Review Board Carly Snyder, MD on November 13, 2019 Mixmike / Getty Images More in Relationships Spouses & Partners Marital Problems LGBTQ Violence and Abuse Infidelity is one of the more challenging problems faced in a relationship. While many people are blindsided if and when they find out about a spouse or partner cheating, others may suspect it because of actions that are out of the norm. While everyone is different, and few signs of cheating are definitive, there are certain behaviors that, together, may back up your unfortunate hunch. Signs to Look For Behavior changes, curious actions, and odd occurrences can certainly indicate that a partner is having an affair. That said, its important to remember that that is not always the case. If you suspect that your partner is cheating, it is understandable to want a definitive way to prove your suspicion. While things like stepping outside to talk on the phone could be related to infidelity, there may be other explanations. Consider the following possible signs that your partner is not being faithful. As you can see, some of these signs actually are at odds with one another. This range of possibilities, which is certainly not inclusive of everything, shows just how different signs can be from one person to the next. Changes in Your Sex Life There is considerably less intimacy or connection in your relationship.Your sex life is practically non-existent.There are lots of new things introduced in sex that were never before.You learn that you have an STD and you have not strayed. Sudden Change in Habits The words I love you are not spoken by your spouse any longer.You cant even get your mate to fight with you.You cant get your spouse to communicate with you (stonewalling).Your spouse is suddenly more attentive than usual.Your spouse seems to want danger or thrills in his/her life.Your spouse is dressing nicer, looking nicer, or there is a sudden interest in appearance.Your spouse picks up a new hobby that requires a few hours of commitment per day. When you show interest in their new hobby, their answer seems vague or they brush you off.Your mate is working longer and longer hours at work.Your spouses wandering eye seems out of control. Attitude Changes Your spouse exhibits signs of low self-esteem.You notice your spouse has a sense of confusion about him or herself.Your spouse is more negative than before.Your spouse becomes more critical of you.Your spouse seems to be picking fights more often.Your spouse gets very defensive if you mention infidelity or affairs.When you ask for reassurance about cheating, you do not feel satisfied with the response. Lying and Avoidance You feel as if you are being avoided.He/she doesnt want to go anywhere or do anything with you anymore.You find your partner has been lying to you about a variety of things.Your spouse seems more secretive.Your partner abandons religious faith. Indifference Your spouse seems bored with you, a job, your children, hobbies, or even life in general.Your spouse has become lazy, especially around the house.Your spouse doesnt show any jealousy about you, no matter what you say.Your spouse is indifferent to family events like birthdays and holidays. Money Issues You notice charges on credit card statements that dont make sense.Money becomes more of an issue between the two of you.Your spouse stops planning for large purchases (such as a trip, buying a house, starting a renovation, etc.) A Change in Technology Use You notice cloud sharing has suddenly been switched off on your devices.Your spouse stops using shared devices altogether.Your spouse reduces their use of social media.Your partner clears the browser history on the home computer.Your spouses fitness tracker shows exercise at odd times and hours. Again, what may be a warning sign in one relationship may be nothing to be concerned about in another relationship.  In fact, most signs of infidelity are quite subtle. It is only when the lies and stories stop adding up that the cheating usually comes to light. What to Do If You Suspect Your Spouse Is Lying In most cases, even when you confront your partner with accusations of cheating, it will be denied. Unless you have hard evidence or irrefutable proof, many will not admit to infidelity. There are a few ways that you can tell if your spouse is lying. If you keep getting denial and push-back when trying to discuss your concerns with your partner, you may need to get professional help to sort through things. The 6 Best Online Marriage Counseling Programs

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Make a Glowing Ice Sphere Using Ice

There are a few different ways you can make a non-toxic glowing ice sphere. You can even make a glowing crystal ball that you can float in a bowl of punch to drink. Glowing Ice Sphere Materials The most important item for this project is a mold that you can use to make a sphere of ice. You can use a plastic snap-together ball, meant for making your own holiday ornaments or you can fill any hemisphere containers to put together two halves of a sphere. Look for ice cube trays that make rounded ice, small bowls, large measuring spoons, melon ballers, etc. Plastic and metal containers work well; dont use any container made from thin glass, since it may shatter when you are freezing the ice. How to Make Water Glow for the Ice You have a few different ways to make your ice glow. Tonic Water - BlueTonic water glows blue when it is exposed to a black light due to the fluorescence of quinine, the ingredient which gives tonic water its characteristic flavor. You can freeze tonic water and float your ice sphere in a punchbowl. This type of glowing ice is completely safe to eat or drink. Highlighter Water - Any ColorIf you squeeze the ink from a non-toxic fluorescent highlighter pen into water and pour it into a mold, you can get an icy sphere that glows brightly under a black light. Although the ice is non-toxic, it isnt good to eat or drink. Use highlighter ink when you want a wide selection of colors or want brightly glowing ice. Glowing Ice - Greenish YellowIf you mix a little non-toxic glowing paint into some water and make an ice sphere, you will have an ice ball that glows in the dark for an extended period of time. This type of ice makes a great snowball. Shave the ice or slush it up in a blender, pack it into a snowball shape, expose it to a bright light , then turn out the lights and have a snowball fight in the dark. Watch a YouTube video tutorial showing how to make a glowing ice ball and see what they look like.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

The Moral Rules Of Statistics - 957 Words

The act of statistics has a few moral issues correlated with it that should be managed by statistical analysts. While it is generally disputed that religion does not assume a part in the act of statistics, a Christian perspective and Christian standards can pertain to the moral circumstances that emerge. Truth be told, this has been the center of a few conversations as well as insightful articles. The motive for this paper is to examine the moral rules that I find significant, how the insightful articles that speak on this issue have influenced my own choice making in regards to statistics and morals, how the moral issues brought up in statistics can be tended to utilizing a Christian perspective, and to figure out what direction and standards from a Christian point of view can be connected to the moral issues brought up in conjunction with statistics. The academic articles that have been looked into on this subject have offered various moral principles to be followed in tending to the moral issues that emerge in the act of statistics. The moral principle from the articles that I, for one, find most relevant is maintaining integrity by being honest and objective (Ostapski and Superville, 2001). I trust that this rule has a considerable measure to do with character in light of the fact that keeping in mind the end goal to be straightforward you need to have the character to need to do both of those things?. In the bible, i is said that The expression of God is living andShow MoreRelatedThe Principles Of Business Ethics1283 Words   |  6 PagesBusiness ethics administers the conduct that relate to what is right and what is not. They refer to moral standards that guide the way a business conducts its activities (Casestudies, 2015). The same rule that determines a person’s activities also applies to business. 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While examining nation state legality I’m going to put emphasis on the way law changes between places such as countries and within time periods. This will then lead onto looking at how crime statistics are recorded and especially (particularly rather than especially) the dark figure of crime which links back to the ‘what other people do about it’ part of the question. Moving on to Social Construction Theory, particularly Becker’s Labelling TheoryRead MoreEssay about The Ethical Roles of the Government in Medical Practice1579 Words   |  7 Pagespractice are a slippery slope. One may argue â€Å"How can the government make decisions based solely upon the best interest of itself†. With this being focused mostly in regards to it’s stances on abortion and the rights of doctors to make ethical and moral decisions on whether or not they want to practice abortions in their clinic. While bearing in mind ethical values relating to medical practices, the role of conscience is extremely substantial. â€Å"Abortion was legalized in 1973 when the U.S.SupremeRead MoreAbortion And Assisted Dying And How They Affect Law Making Decisions923 Words   |  4 PagesMany people would be said to disagree with law makers having a moral agenda as it may infer with what needs to be the law. In order to understand whether lawmakers should have a moral agenda it must be understood what the law is and who can make it. Law can defined as ‘a body of rules that a country makes, and it is applied by the state’ , law can be made by two different bodies in the United Kingdom which include the Judicial system and the Parliament. Now that we understand what is the law andRead MoreCrime Is Defined And Recorded, And Will1415 Words   |  6 Pagesidea that societies have rules that determine what is acceptable or unacceptable. These are determined by those in power, such as the government and police. If someone breaks these rules, they are labelled deviant. This essay will look at the implic ations of this view in regards to how crime is defined and recorded, and will also assess the effect this has on official criminal statistics. Becker (1963: p. 9) states that, â€Å"‘social groups create deviance by making the rules whose infraction constitutesRead MoreEffects Of Labelling On Deviant Behaviour1502 Words   |  7 Pagesinfluence the study of crime and reliability of crime statistics. Within my essay I’ll be exploring the effects of labelling on deviant behaviour, and the ways in which views differ due to the influence of various groups within society and the influence of the media on societies interpretation of deviance. Deviance is understood to be behaviour which deviates from what is seen as the norm or what is socially acceptable by violating the rules of groups in society, and on that basis an individual’sRead MoreThe Second Amendment Of The United States1425 Words   |  6 Pagesaffected by some form of work place violence and is not always about work. Two-thirds of homicides in the U.S. are a result of personal relationship problems. Moral Rights In my opinion, people have a right to physical security which includes the right to self-defense. Thus, every competent, law-abiding American should have a moral right to own a gun. These law-abiding and competent Americans are also protected by United States laws. Our vehicles are our property and should be thought of asRead More Cheating in Academic Institutions Essay900 Words   |  4 PagesCheating has always been a problem in the history of academics. Academic institutions continue to develop new ways to prevent cheating from happening; while at the same time cheaters come up with even better ways to cheat. This conflict brings up many moral issues as well. To settle these issues, academic institutions create honor codes that show students that cheating is unacceptable and morally wrong; however, some students come up with their own reasons for getting around that code. As one studentRead MoreSinger s Proposal Of Effective Altruism904 Words   |  4 Pagessimilarities to the paramount utilitarian idea of the greatest happiness principle; the principle states that â€Å"actions are right in proportion as they tend to promote happiness, wrong as they tend to promote the reverse of happiness†; an action is moral in the sense that it increases the total amount of utility in the world. Utility is pleasure itself, the absence of pain. Singer, in the beginning of his lecture, displays a disturbing video to introduce the various ethical obligations we have towards

5 Things they don’t tell you about being an International Student in the UK Free Essays

Starting University can be a pretty daunting challenge for anybody – with most students leaving home to move to a new city and to meet new people – there can be a lot of surprises along the way. However, for those international students who move to the UK to study this can be even more of a challenge with a lot of things to look out for. Here are 5 things they don’t tell you about being an international student in the UK. We will write a custom essay sample on 5 Things they don’t tell you about being an International Student in the UK or any similar topic only for you Order Now 1. It’s hard to find work Apart from the basic hurdles that come with finding a job, international students face more difficult challenges when it comes to the job search process. Employers are unwilling to hire students from abroad because of the perception that hiring an international student is costly, time consuming, and they are likely to end up leaving after 6 months! Employers also worry that if they hire foreign students, they will end up with employees who have poor English skills. Whether these attitudes are valid or not, these fears mean it is hard to get decent jobs, especially with no post-study work visa. 2. If you can get a job, your ability to work is limited!! While EU students have no restriction on the amount of hours they can work, international students can only work 20 hours per week – including voluntary work!! If you are studying a course below degree level, you will only be allowed to work 10 hours per week during term time. The 20 hour per week maximum during term time is not flexible and cannot be exceeded in any given week. This means earning your keep can be very difficult whilst studying as an international student in the UK. 3. Getting funding for your study is almost impossible Getting funding or grants for your study is a major challenge for all students, but international students from outside of the EU do not qualify for support from Student Finance England at all! What makes this even worse, however, is that it is a major condition of receiving a visa that you must be able to provide evidence of your funding before you begin a course!! If you do not have funding in place, you cannot obtain a visa!! 4. There is minimal support for ESL students. Many international students from abroad are treated like second class citizens at university in the UK. There is a serious lack of adequate ESL/ELD programs, which fundamentally undermine the overall quality and effectiveness of university education. The number of ESL students is highly disproportionate to the amount of ESL and/or Bilingual teachers and without the number of necessary trained ESL/Bilingual teachers, and lack of first language support, students can receive poor marks. 5. Some Universities are only after your money! The misselling of university education to international students is one of the biggest scandals in the UK. Overseas students applying to study in Britain often find themselves forced to pay tuition fees twice in order to secure a place at their chosen college, while others have discovered they have to pay more when they arrive in the country! It is a common perception that International students have lots of money, and so are being misled by their university and are cheated out of thousands of pounds by UK universities, with no avenue to reclaim the money. How to cite 5 Things they don’t tell you about being an International Student in the UK, Essay examples

Thursday, April 23, 2020

Movie Summary Losing Isaiah Essay Example

Movie Summary Losing Isaiah Paper The movie Losing Isaiah is about a young mother named Khaila who is poor, illiterate, and a crack addict. With no home or family support, she is alone with her new infant. One night, desperate to get high, she leaves her child in a cardboard box on the street. Early the next morning, the baby is discovered crying by the garbage man just as his truck was about to crush the trash. The baby is immediately transported to the hospital and checked and it is determined that the infant is addicted to cocaine. Within days, a social worker, Margaret Lewin, is assigned to the baby’s case and soon falls in love with the baby, Isaiah.She brings him to live with her husband and their daughter. Meanwhile, Khaila woke up in the morning to realize what she had done. She raced back and frantically searched through the trash for her baby and when she couldn’t find him, she assumed he was deposed of and probably dead. Khaila sobbed and was overcome with grief; she went out and got high until she was arrested for shoplifting. Once arrested, she was placed into a rehab center that ultimately saved her life. The film jumps three years to when Isaiah had officially been adopted by the Lewin family. At this point in time, Khaila is learning to read and is earning a living by working as a caregiver. One day while reading a book with her caseworker about a pregnant woman who lost her child, she breaks down crying.She finally shares with her case worker about the loss of her son. The case worker finds out that baby Isaiah is still alive and helps Khaila hire a lawyer to get her son back. When she goes to court, this case brings up many issues like poverty, racial identity, parental rights, child and family justice. In the end, the birth mother wins the case and Isaiah is returned to her. However, Isaiah does not adjust well, so Khaila decided that Isaiah is happier living with his adopted parents for the time being. We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Losing Isaiah specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Losing Isaiah specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Movie Summary Losing Isaiah specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer 1.Rational Theory – (Septem

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

The Red Death essays

The Red Death essays The night was coming and the Red Death had already been there and tormented the town. Many where lying on the streets breathing their last breathe. Prince Prospero brought all whom where well in to his castle and locked and welded up the gates and doors so no one could infect them with this tragedy. He had food and wine and dancing for all in his layer, and had evaded the Red Death from following them in. Prince Prospero had seven rooms for the party each with there own color. There was blue, purple, green, orange, white, violet, and black. In each room the windows, carpets, and shades where all the same color. Prince Prospero had an interest in bizarre pieces of art so it is surrounds the rooms. He also owned a huge Grandfather Clock that chimes very loudly on ever hour. The party was filled with music, laughter, food and wine. At every hour the clock would chime. Five times at five oclock, six times at six oclock and so on. All the dancers and music would stop and everyone would license to the chimes like a spell had over taken them. At twelve oclock the clock chimed again and seemed to take forever for the clock to chime twelve. At the last chime the party still remained silent, as a new interruption had occurred. The intruder came at the sound of twelve and was thought to be a guest at first and even after a long glance the guests could still not think of what horror was standing so near to them. Prince Prospero anger turned to rage as he confronted the figure. He was covered in blood and he had the look of a corpse. A small number of the guests thought they recognized the Red Death but not Prince Prospero. He had sneaked into the party with every door looked and shut. Prince Prospero could only think of the insult that this man had done to him. He confronted the figure and asked his guards to arrest him and take his mask off. They did nothing and only watche ...

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Last Minute ACT Strategies 12 Guides You Must Read

Last Minute ACT Strategies 12 Guides You Must Read SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips It's the week or the day before your big ACT test date, and you want to have the best chance possible at raising your score. At PrepScholar we've written hundreds of free guides to help you succeed on the test, but some guides are especially helpful right before your test. By reading these guides, you'll make sure you're in the best shape possible on test day. General ACT Strategy What You Must Bring to the ACT on Test Day In this guide, we explain exactly what you should bring (your admissions ticket, #2 pencils, lots of snacks, etc.) and what you need to leave at home (the iPhone glued to your hand, a #1 pencil, your mom). Test Day can be stressful. Make sure you’ve got the right supplies. Should You Guess on the ACT? 5 Guessing Strategies Short answer: ALWAYS GUESS ON THE ACT. For the long answer, read the strategies our experts recommend. And no, â€Å"always guessing ‘C’† did not make our list. The Best Way to Review Your Mistakes from ACT Questions In your last study time before your ACT test date, don't worry about taking another full-length practice test. Instead, review your mistakes from the past so that you can avoid them on test day. This guide tells you how you should be reviewing your mistakes to get the most out of your time. How to Get a Perfect ACT Score, by a 36 Full Scorer If you’re looking for a top ACT score (33-36), take advice from someone who scored a 36- me. In this post, I break down all you need to know about striving for perfection on the ACT. It’s challenging, but definitely not impossible. ACT Science Strategy Time Management Tips and Section Strategy on ACT Science You can see the light at the end of the Test Day Tunnel. All that stands between you and the rest of your Saturday is the dreaded Science section (and possibly an essay, but more on that later). In this guide, we give tips on how to finish strong and within the time limit. The Only Actual Science You Have to Know for ACT Science By now, you’ve probably figured out that the ACT Science section is basically a reading test with bigger words and more technical pictures. You don’t actually have to know a lot of science in order to do well; in this guide, we’ve outlined the core topics that show up again and again in this section. ACT Reading Strategy How to Stop Running Out of Time On ACT Reading It’s not just about watching the clock on Test Day. It’s about how to maximize the time you do have. You won’t learn to speed read by Saturday, but our experts have outlined strategies to buy you time on test day. ACT Math Strategy The 31 Critical ACT Math Formulas You MUST Know You’ve probably memorized hundreds of formulas in math classes. Whether or not you remember them†¦ Well, that’s a different story. In this guide, we review the 31 formulas you must know in order to ace ACT Math. How to Stop Running Out of Time on ACT Math On test day, you’ll have 60 minutes to answer 60 math questions. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that this will be challenging. Luckily, PrepScholar experts have outlined the top strategies for taking advantage of every second. ACT English Strategy The Complete Guide to ACT Grammar We’re not going to lie. It’s a long guide, but every single question you’ll face in the ACT English section will be based on this material. How can you not read it? ACT Writing Strategy How to Write an ACT Essay: Step by Step Example Writing a cohesive essay in 40 minutes sounds impossible, but our experts have broken it down into an easy-to-remember, step-by-step process. Practice this at least once or twice before test day to make sure you’ve got it down. ACT Writing Tips: 15 Strategies to Raise Your Score In this guide, we’ve outlined what ACT wants you to know about the Writing section, some secrets they’d rather not share, and a step-by-step process that can definitely help you improve your writing score. Want to improve your ACT score by 4+ points? Download our free guide to the top 5 strategies you need in your prep to improve your ACT score dramatically.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

HDL 660 learder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

HDL 660 learder - Essay Example His courage, intelligence, determination, and innovativeness are traits and skills that I admire. President Barrack Obama has been the most influential leader in my life due to his willingness to make hard decisions. He is a credible leader, committed, humorous, influential, and is trusted by many Americans to head the country. The most important trait is his ability to influence the people through his speech and decision making. I apply these lessons by being a committed, credible, available, and trustworthy group leader. Trait Assessment: Articulate= 4; perceptive= 5; Self-confident= 4; self-assured= 5; persistent= 3; determined= 5; trustworthy= 5; dependable= 4; friendly= 5; outgoing=4; conscientious= 3; diligent= 4; sensitive= 5; empathic= 4 (35). Skill Assessment: technical skill= 23; Human skill= 25; conceptual skill= 22 (64). Strong traits such as perception, determination, sensitivity, self-assurance, and trustworthiness are necessary to create a strong friendship with associates. Strong human skills are also necessary for effective interaction with others. These strong traits and skills have enabled me to become an influential and effective group leader. Improving conceptual skills and persistence are the most promising areas of improvement. These strengths will help improve self-expression and self-awareness necessary for authentic

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Industry Best Practices Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Industry Best Practices - Research Paper Example More devices are being used today than were ever before. This has made protecting network while providing access very difficult and expensive in the industry. It is important to ensure that local user access is very tightly secured today while remote user access is just as simple and sound as local. Given the use of devices and technology today, all users are remote while all end points are unsafe. The user demand will increase in the coming years and demand access to business resources from any location will also increase. The future is gearing up towards a universal access control model, one that inverts the network. In this the protection will be more focused towards application resources. In universal access control, the entire access network field is level. In this setting, no user, device or location is given preference or trusted blindly. The focal point of such an access control field are its information resources. These include the applications, the data and the services. Th us in all its benefits and advantages, the biggest advantage of universal access control is that it ensures all resources are available easily at any point and at any location. However, universal access control is just made available. It Is not made universally accessible as one of the best practices in the industry. The IT department of any telecommunication company needs to come up with a strategy to establish and sustain universal access control. Universal access control has made protection of devices, data and resources more easy. With the growing evolution of laptops and mobile traditional networks cant be protected completely by IT. Thus the most dangerous and notorious attacks on the networks come from local users than from remote users. Thus implementation of universal access control ensures protection from these attacks. It is important for IT managers to assume that any user and device as a potential risk point. Implementation of universal access control has become a criti cal norm in the industry. IT managers must now assume that any user and device is a potential risk point. It does not matter if the user is gaining access remotely or by directly plugging into the LAN. Thus universal access control in a remote connectivity environment, serves to provide the following three important objectives: (REMOTE CONNECTIVITY) 1. Provision of adequate security: The security system should ensure that users are validated with passwords to protect network attached resources from unauthorized access. The greater the number of levels of security provided, the more secure the network resources and information would become. 2. Easy administration: The security systems should be easily accessible, easy to use and most be protected from unwanted tampering by other users. 3. Transparency: Users can attempt to implement circumvent security methods which are difficult to use. So the universal access control model implemented should ensure logging in from both the work sta tion attached to corporate LAN as well from home office. Implementation of universal access control is costly. It takes heavy costs for IT, infrastructure and other costs have escalated sharply and heavily. Thus the implementation of universal access control is a costly procedure. . Works Cited REMOTE CONNECTIVITY. (n.d.). Retrieved 1 14, 2012, from Sonic Wall:

Friday, January 24, 2020

The Effects of Government Spending and Borrowing Essay examples -- Gov

The Effects of Government Spending and Borrowing Government borrowing can be inflationary because the government borrows from banks, which increases the money supply. Banks assume that consumers will not take more than 10% of their savings out and on that basis are able to lend to the government. This increases the money supply because the government has borrowed from the bank but the consumer’s savings stay the same and therefore there is more money in circulation. According to monetarist beliefs an increase in the money supply will directly increase inflation. Inflation can lead to unemployment, as people demand less due to higher prices and therefore demand for labor maybe decreased. Inflation also creates uncertainty for entrepreneurs, cost curves increase and revenue can decrease thus squeezing profits. Also when inflation is in the mind of the entrepreneur it can escalate easily as they will take inflationary actions like automatically increase prices and therefore it is imperative government spending/borrowing is controlled. Although government borrowing does increase the money supply, the monetarist view of a direct link between money supply and inflation is wrong, as proved when Britain experienced recession under Margaret Thatcher. In order to control the money supply the government cut borrowing and spending, which in theory would reduce the money supply, inflation and unemployment but interest rates had to rise to stop consumer borrowing, which in turn increased the exchange rate. High interest rates curbed consumer borrowing, which reduces demand for products, along with a high exchange rate ruining demand for exports ... ...ector borrowing is not the enemy of unemployment. If the government borrows too much then there will have to be increases in taxes, mainly corporation tax and this will also contribute to some unemployment, but the public sector does help employment in some ways. Education and training (funded by the government) provides a skilled, desirable workforce, which will encourage British firms to employ British workers instead of looking for other skilled workers in an increasingly globalized world. The National Health Service also reduces the amount of residual unemployed and therefore contributes to keeping employment levels high. Government borrowing should only occur if for investment purposes and if it will be repaid over the cycle, otherwise it destroys entrepreneur confidence and eventually leads to unemployment.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets Essay

Organizational Objectives and Total Compensation in Different Markets Total compensation is an important piece of the human resource puzzle. It is the thread that can tie valuable employees to the company and its overall success. The laws and regulations are significant in knowing and understanding in an attempt to apply that knowledge to the overall design of the total compensation package a company offers. Working as a federally contracted employer for more than 200 employees, certain laws and regulations will affect the total compensation package within the organization. One in particular is the Affordable Healthcare Act. Two biotech organizations and their total compensation package will be discussed. The Affordable Health Care Act The Affordable Health Care Act was designed to help all people obtain and maintain their healthcare coverage even in the event of loss of employment. The creation of the Afforadble Health Care Act allows insurance companies â€Å"from discriminating against anyone with a pre-existing condition, dropping your coverage if you get sick, billing you into bankruptcy because of an illness or injury, and limiting your annual or lifetime benefits† (, 2013). The Affordable Health Care Act was not received well from some of the population. It seemed to be not quite so affordable and quite difficult to obtain. After a few of these glitches have been repaired, it is becoming more acceptable to everyone it is intended for. The above was just one law that is now to be considered when creating the total compensation package. Most of the benefits offered will be based on the size and location of an organization. This organization’s total compensation package will include an array of benefits that each employee will be offered once they have been hired. These items include: Medical plan (dental, vision) LTD, STD plans Flexible spending accounts 401(k) plans Tuition Reimbursement for continuing education Employee Assistance Programs Onsite gym Comparisons to these benefits have been made with other biotech organizations, namely United Therapeutics and Amicus Therapeutics. United Therapeutics The first organization for comparison is United Therapeutics Corporation. This company focuses on diversity within its operations and its quest of medicinal discoveries. â€Å"United Therapeutics Corporation is a biotechnology company focused on the development and commercialization of unique products to address the unmet medical needs of patients with chronic and life-threatening conditions† (, n.d.). Some of the benefits United Therapeutics offers is: Medical Plan (medical, prescription, dental, vision) 401k plan Onsite daycare center STD/LTD plans Spouse/Domestic partner coverage EAP Stock Purchase Plan Employee Referral Bonus Amicus Therapeutics Amicus Therapeutics is also a biotechnology organization that employees over 200 employees. Their main focus is to engineer and develop treatments for rare and orphan diseases. Their total compensation package includes: Medical, dental, vision Flexible spending accounts 401(k) plans Education assistance Incentive awards Employee programs The packages offered by these companies are very similar. The differences would be that United offers onsite daycare, stock purchase options and employee referral bonuses. Many of the basic benefits such as medical, flex spending and 401k usually is the most important benefit for most employees. Offering other fringe benefits will just help to retain the current pool of employees and any future employees that join the organization. Conclusion An attractive compensation package is important to appeal to prospective employees and to retain current employees. The total compensation package that is being offered has been compared to two other biotech organizations and is fairly similar and acceptable in this particular industry. References (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from (2013). Retrieved from

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Essay on Rhetorical Analysis of Jfk Civil Rights Address

The Civil Rights Address was one of the most influential speeches President John F. Kennedy has ever presented to the American people, and was one of many of his many accomplishments during his presidency. America was experiencing racial discrimination and racial inequality, and Americans needed a leader who would unite them. John F. Kennedy was a sincere, honest, inspirational individual whose duty was to influence equality to Americans. President John F. Kennedy’s address inspires and pulls on the passion of Americans; he wants all Americans to promote and protect and protect the rights that all men are free, he addresses this a sectional issue and that and our task; our obligation, is to make that revolution, and that everyone in†¦show more content†¦Kennedy addresses that this is not a sectional issue. He uses logos to prove his purpose of addressing this speech of Civil Rights. President Kennedy explains that â€Å"The Negro baby born in America today, regardles s of the section of the State in which he is born - one-third as much chance of becoming a professional man, twice as much chance of becoming unemployed, about one-seventh as much chance of earning $10,000 a year, a life expectancy which is 7 years shorter, and the prospects of earning only half as much â€Å"(4). Kennedy uses evidence and logic that African Americans don’t nearly have the same rights and freedoms as whites. This proves that Americans should realize this inequality among them and put a stop to it. Kennedy also states that â€Å"segregation and discrimination occurs in every city of good will and generosity should be able to unite regardless of party or politics this is a problem which faces us all - in every city of the North as well as the South†(18). He uses evidence that explains that this not just a problem in the South but also in North and is a problem all over the nation. Kennedy addresses that â€Å"negroes unemployed, two or three times as m any compared to whites† (18). He uses statistics to thoroughly state his argument that all Africans Americans are facing the obstacle of segregation and discrimination. With the use of logos Kennedy does a good job at proving to Americans that racial segregation needs to end. The final way John F.Show MoreRelatedOutsourcing: Lets Get It Right Essay1208 Words   |  5 Pagesâ€Å"The rights of every man are diminished when the rights of one man are threatened† (Kennedy, 1963). Continuous improvements in technology capabilities have provided companies with tools to more easily conduct business on a global scale. However, when conducting business with different cultures, you risk different ethical standards. Companies should be accountable for ensuring their product or services can be received by the consumer in good conscience, void of human ethics violations, regardlessRead MoreOne Significant Change That Has Occurred in the World Between 1900 and 2005. Explain the Impact This Change Has Made on Our Lives and Why It Is an Important Change.163893 Words   |  656 PagesMichael Adas for the American Historical Association TEMPLE UNIVERSITY PRESS PHILADELPHIA Temple University Press 1601 North Broad Street Philadelphia, Pennsylvania 19122 Copyright  © 2010 by Temple University All rights reserved Published 2010 Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Essays on twentieth century history / edited by Michael Peter Adas for the American Historical Association. p. cm.—(Critical perspectives on the past) Includes bibliographical